"EXTREME JAPANESE RAPTOR PRANK" Probably The Most Hilarious Thing You'll See Today...Fake Dinosaur Chases Office Worker, And It's Awesome [VIDEO]

The "EXTREME JAPANESE RAPTOR PRANK" is probably the most hilarious thing you will see today. Rawr! [WATCH FULL VIDEO BELOW]

The hilarious "Raptor Prank" video has gone viral, getting tens of thousands of hits in a matter of hours.

In the video, an exhausted-looking office worker is walking blearily down an office hallway, carrying a cup of coffee. Suddenly, he notices that at the end of the corridor, a group of people runs past an open doorway. Then a dinosaur crashes into the hallway.


With the raptor on the prowl, the office worker drops his coffee, turns tail, and runs.

The "dinosaur"/raptor/guy in a costume chases the man throughout the hallways. He looks terrified and trips several times.

The costume is clearly a costume, but a pretty good one...except for the PAIR OF LEGS sticking out of the bottom of it.

Still, fear does funny things.

The raptor prank is from a Japanese TV show that hasn't yet been identified, presumably the kind built around pranks. It really doesn't matter, nor do subtitles... unless everything the show does this awesome, in which case, a certain reporter will be wasting many hours of her life. Better not to know.

Watch the RAPTOR PRANK video below:

What do you think of the raptor prank? Funny or weird?

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