Mind Control Machine Invented at University of Washington; Let the Conspiracy Theories Begin; Where Did I Put My Tinfoil Hat Again? (Video)

A mind control machine was invented by researchers at the University of Washington. In what sounds like the beginning of a science fiction movie, researchers at the University of Washington announced that they invented a mind-control mechanism. Conspiracy theory sites will soon be abuzz with tales of mind control zombies.

The University of Washington mind control machine recently surfaced in a YouTube video that shows one man controlling another man's finger with his brain. The researchers say the “brain to brain interface can be used remotely. With the University of Washington mind control machine, “Now the internet can be used to connect brains.”

In the YouTube video, Scientist Andrea Stocco, a psychology researcher from the University of Washington, was playing a computer video game, when his colleague Rajesh Rao took control of Andrea's finger by sending a pulse that caused his finger to move on a keyboard.

This is a major breakthrough that is worthy of a major motion picture. As fiction becomes fact after University of Washington researchers discovered how to perform human mind-control.
Assistant psychology professor Andrea Stocco said "The internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to connect brains."

Rajesh Rao was hooked up to some complex scientific equipment and sent a brain signal to Stocco. The researcher was on the other side of the campus at the time. The pulse caused Stocco's finger to move on a keyboard. Stocco said it felt like a nervous twitch.

The researchers said not to worry about becoming remote-controlled zombie mutants who do their master’s bidding. Chantel Prat, an assistant University of Washington psychology professor, said "There's no possible way the technology that we have could be used on a person unknowingly or without their willing participation."

So don’t break out the tin foil hats yet. Well, don’t ever break out the tinfoil hats. Other research has shown it’s actually easier to control someone brain if they are wearing aluminum foil on their head. Whether it’s because aluminum foil amplifies the signal or whether people who wear tin foil hats are more easily controlled has not been studied.

by Tony Sokol

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