Music Video ReView: Ailee's U&I, Does the Formula Work?

To get this out of the way, I'm just going to start by saying that this song didn't really burst out of the regular Kpop seams. When you first hear it-- and let's say you haven't been tracking her previous songs-- there is nothing superior about it, but it does grow on you after a couple more listens. The songs itself is a hard 7 out of 10. It's catchy, it has a repetitive quality with the lyrics, which is mainly what makes it catchy. And the beat holds it own with a sort of jazzy, bourlesque-ish feel to it.

And that is what makes the music video a solid 8 out of 10. It's consistent, it's glamorous, and it's in line with the song. Everything about this video screams lights and glitter, an explosion of decadent colors that the song might have paled a little in comparison to, but only by a hair's width. 

The music video starts off with finesse, just the clack of Ailee's heels (which look fantastic and painful, by the way) and the image of her entering the back room. A phone call resonates and she picks it up, and judging by her unimpressed expression, the lyrics that follow are definitely pertaining to an ex that she no longer cares for because of their constant bickering and fighting, and how all of that is consuming her way too much than a relationship should.

In the video, we also catch some very minor details, like how the video plays off of the lyrics. I don't know exactly how intentional this is, but during the first verse, Ailee sings about how she no longer smiles because of the person she is singing too, and true to her word, she doesn't smile throughout the video until the moment she slides the ring off of her finger-- which I can only assume is a gift of some sort from the ex lover. This scene is later in the video, around the bridge of the song, right after make up finishes her prepping her eyes (which also is right where the lyrics state something about Ailee tired of crying, or having no intention of crying-- details). She slips the ring off, gives her reflection a brief smirk, and then leaves the ring on the table while she proceeds with her life baggage-free.

There's nothing much to say about the dance, Ailee isn't exactly known to be a great dancer. She is, however, a heavy belting singer, and if there is one final thing the song should be credited for, it's the fact that it utilized her vocal range well.

Overall, I'd say this music video deserves a 7 out of ten. What did you guys think?

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