Casey Anthony Case Back In Court; Must Testify About Caylee’s Disappearance; Cannot Plead Fifth or Remain Silent

Casey Anthony case is back in court. Casey Anthony must testify about Caylee's disappearance. Casey Anthony will finally be forced to answer questions about the disappearance of her daughter Caylee in court. Casey Anthony will not be allowed to take refuge behind the Fifth Amendment or remain silent as she has in past depositions.

In the original trial, Casey Anthony was acquitted of killing Caylee, but Casey Anthony did not answer questions under oath about Caylee Anthony’s disappearance.

In 2008, Casey Anthony told police that babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez kidnapped her daughter Caylee Anthony. Detectives said the babysitter never existed. Caylee Anthony’s body was found six months after she was last seen alive. Casey Anthony later admitted to lying and admitted there was no such nanny.

Zenaida Gonzalez filed a defamation suit against Casey Anthony. Gonzalez says her life was ruined by the allegation Casey made against her.

Gonzalez’s attorney Matt Morgan said “Casey Anthony will not be permitted to plead the Fifth as her appeals have now been resolved. We look forward to getting answers to the questions we have had for a very long time.”

First, a judge has to decide whether the case will be allowed to move forward or if it will be discharged. Matt Morgan said he believes the case will go forward will because Casey Anthony committed a calculated act against his client.

Morgan said “We believe that it’s not because it was an intentional act and the judge will make a final decision. We hope it’s going to reveal the truth of what happened and how Zenaida got drug into the circus in the first place.”

Mark NeJame, a legal analyst, said he thinks Casey Anthony’s deposition will finally clear up what happened to Caylee.

NeJame said “I’ve always believed this is pre-meditated, first-degree murder. How she weaved the set of facts into Zenaida Gonzalez being the nanny is relevant because all of that would be a part of the parcel of the apparent lie that was told.”

NeJame said if Casey Anthony tells the truth, most likely she will have to admit to murder. NaJame believes is Casey Anthony lies under oath she will face legal consequences.

This is one of the first times Casey Anthony has made a public appearance since her trial ended. Casey Anthony has spent the past few years in hiding.

The deposition scheduled in Tampa, Fla., on October 9.

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