Craziest K-Pop Stalker Fan Stories Part 2

Fans and world-wide recognition result in never really ever having a private life ever again. It's the unfortunate side of becoming someone famous, and while it can be annoying it can also put lives at risk. I have heard countless stories of fans stalking their idol members and even have heard that it's not only fans that do this but even anti-fans who hate particular idols so much that they'll do anything to ruin their lives! Talk about crazy! Let's take a look at some of the craziest stalker fan stories part 2!

We know DBSK has some of the most devoted fans in the world. But not all of these fans are normal in the head. I would have to say that DBSK had and still has the craziest, most insane fans in the world and not in the healthy way. I wouldn't even know where to begin with all the mentally unstable stories I've heard but since we're talking about stalker fans let's start with the time that a fan made a copy of the key to the group's apartment or the time that a fan snuck into their apartment and kissed them while they were asleep. I mean really? These people need to be severely punished for this!

Super Junior's Heechul closed down his Twitter to live a more quieter and simpler life. But before he signed off for good, the singer Tweeted and asked fans to please not follow him to his house or to his ward office. He mentioned a fear for his life and wanted fans to be more understanding of his situation.

Big Bang's G-Dragon once pleaded on Twitter and asked fans to please stop showing up at his house where his family lives. He voiced that his mother and sister were beyond frightened to come home at night and asked them to please stay away. It's one thing to stalk your idol, but their family too? Come on now.

2PM's Chansung also Tweeted at stalkers and asked them to please stay away from his dormitory. I mean for crying out loud, these guys work their butts off all day to do shows, perform onstage for their fans, and the least they could do is let them get some rest at a place that's supposed to be their haven away from their careers!

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Super Junior
Big Bang
