Once Upon A Time Season 3 Spoilers: Emma's Sanity, Neal Getting To Neverland, And Regina's Love Interest

"Once Upon a Time" is beginning season 3, and spoilers are surfacing regarding Neal, Emma, and Regina.

According to TV Line, actor Michael Raymond-James (Neal) may be seen on the Neverland set, but that doesn't mean Neal will get there anytime soon.

"This show never seems to be short in the obstacles department," says Raymond-James. "It's one of those things where the answer to one problem usually leads to seven more problems that one needs to overcome. So there's some tough sledding ahead, I'll say that."

But one thing "Once Upon a Time" fans have been wondering is how Emma has not sense that Neal might have survived the plunge.

According to spoilers brought to you by actress Jennifer Morrison, "They have no sense in Neverland what happened with Neal."

"Because of everything she has been through - and especially having been through so much loss with Neal - for her own sanity, she has to assume that he is dead."

Sounds like both Neal and Emma will have a tough hurdle ahead for "Once Upon a Time" season 3.

But another spoiler has surfaced earlier is that a new love interest will be introduced for Regina aka the Evil Queen.

And while fans are eagerly awaiting the introduction in "Once Upon a Time" season 3, Lana Parrilla confirms they have yet to start shooting that storyline, meaning fans will have to wait a while.

"I'm like, 'What?! I don't think she's kissed anyone in like 200 years.' Well, [except for] the Huntsman. But there is something coming up. And I will say: Regina has not met him. But maybe the audience has."


So with these "Once Upon a Time" season 3 spoilers, who do you think Regina's love interest may be?

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