Why Does T-ARA Keep Switching Leaders?

T-ARA explained why they keep changing their leader.

On the October 14th episode of YTN's "Ho Joon Seok's News In" Qri revealed, "There's still someone who hasn't been a leader, but I've been chosen to be the 5th leader. As each member plays the role of a leader, she learns to be more responsible, and that's why we keep changing leaders."

The anchor asked, "Do you change leaders when someone says it's time to change leaders?" Eunjung answered, "It can't be that way. Each member has a good influence on the group. Everyone influences each other and is in turn influenced by the other members. The leader has the overall responsibility."

Boram spoke on the topic of hierarchy in the group and said, "There is no hierarchy. Rather, no matter who is older or younger, we all treat each other like family."

Photo credit: Ho Joon Seok's News In screen capture

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