Ellen DeGeneres Rewards Waitress With $10,000 For A Good Deed Which Only Cost Her $27.75!

Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres proved that being nice and considerate to the needs of others can pave way for good things. DeGeneres has recently given a check to a waitress in New Hampshire for her selfless deed. 

It was a seemingly simple day when waitress Sarah Hoidahl shouldered the lunch bill of two National Guard soldiers who have been affected by the federal government's shutdown. Despite her meager income, Hoidahl still wanted to help, that's why she paid for the soldiers' lunch which amounted to $27.75. One of the guards posted a photo of Hoidahl on its New Hampshire National Guard Facebook page.

DeGeneres saw the photo and touched by Hoidahl's deed, she extended a check for $10,000. "You're a good person," emotionally said Hoidahl to DeGeneres. She has likewise received a 50-inch television.

The Facebook story was quickly shared by lots of users. The waitress has been invited to Hollywood to share her tale.

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