What's up this week with... SHINee (Week of November 11-15)

First of, I just want to start this article by congratulating SHINee. There is nothing sweeter than watching them all spil tears of gratitude, and they did so all at once (that's right gals, even Taemin cried this time) when they accepted their Artist of the Year award for the MelOn Music Awards 2013. They needed this win like we need air, because it was pretty evident to all us fans how they were just working themselves to the bone for this comeback. And to see them look relieved and validated because of an award is just priceless. Throughout the thank you speeches, the leader, Onew, kept his head bent low at a 90 degree angle in respect to all of the fans who made their win possible, and Jonghyun, resident cry baby, didn't hold any of his emotions in. It was difficult to stay stonefaced while watching all of them get so emotional, but I'm just glad that they felt that all of their hardwork has finally come to fruition.

SHINee, also seems to be doing well for themselves in terms of guestings since they will be the guests for the last and final episode of Barefoot Friends. The broadcast should be aired on the 17th of November. From what can be confirmed, there will be a lot of feeding and SHINee eating so we should all stay tuned for that.

Key has also been updating his instagram regularly. In his photos you will notice the idol hanging out with a number of celebrities including Miss A's Jia. The idol is known to be a socialite so it isn't much of a surprise to see him galavanting about with a number of artists around his arm. Let's just hope that he's paying his members the same kind of attention. Although, I do doubt it.

This has been SHINee's week, hopefully we'll be seeing more of them again in the following one especially since MAMA's are coming up. Make sure to keep an eye out for more news about that.

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