JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun Paparazzi Fan Assault, Release of Audio File Containing Verbal Abuse

'Dispatch' a Korean entertainment magazine exposed and written an in-depth coverage about JYJ regarding an occurrence in 2009, about their verbal, physical abuse towards fans. The magazine released an audio file containing JYJ member Kim Jaejoong and Park Yoochun to show verbal abuse and physical assault to fanatic fans who chase after them, which is causing public criticism.

The audio file clearly records Park Yoochun's and Kim Jaejoong's verbal and physical abuse. Recently a video was released allegedly showing Park Yoochun using physical violence to get away from fanatic fan however the video was disputed of its authenticity. However this audio file shows a level of verbal and physical abuse that is far beyond.  With this case there are opinions that state both parties are at fault however most people criticize Kim Jaejoong and Park Yoochun's actions that have taken this too far.

This case is taking place ahead of JYJ's Peru performance and Yoochun's appearance in a drama which is pushing JYJ into more difficult position.

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