2013 LA Auto Show: 2015 Hyundai Tucson Announced As ‘World’s First Mass-Produced Fuel Cell Vehicle’, Will Run On Hydrogen Fuel Cell

The 2015 Hyundai Tucson has been revealed to run on Hydrogen fuel cell marketed as the world’s first mass-produced fuel cell vehicle in the 2013 LA auto show.

Reportedly every year line and line of concept cars that are said to run on hydrogen cell fuel has been on auto shows but this time, Hyundai revealed to make that concept a car that can be driven by everyone.

Hyundai Motor America President and CEO John Krafcik said, “Hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles represent the next generation of zero-emission vehicle technology, so we’re thrilled to be a leader in offering the mass-produced, federally certified Tucson Fuel Cell to retail customers. The superior range and fast-fill refueling speed of our Tucson Fuel Cell vehicle contrast with the lower range and slow-charge characteristics of competing battery electric vehicles. We think fuel cell technology will increase the adoption rate of zero-emission vehicles, and we’ll all share the environmental benefits.”

One announcement made by Hyundai Motors is the reported unlimited free hydrogen refueling at Hyundai refueling sites if you are an early adopter of the fuel cell series of Tucson.

“When we spoke to customers interested in driving a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, many wondered what the cost of hydrogen would be. To ease those concerns as we build-out the hydrogen refueling network, we thought covering this cost for these early adopters in the monthly payment was the best approach, and consistent with other aspects of our Hyundai Assurance program. It’s our way of saying: ‘This is another thing you don’t have to worry about, we’ve got your back.’”

The only catch here is that this will be available for Los Angeles and Orange counties as it is said to be leased for only $499 and will be on lease starting spring of 2014 as announced in the 2013 LA auto show.

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