Elder Scrolls Online Release Date Information Leaked Over Next Couple Of Weeks? ZeniMax And Bethesda Posted Teasers

ZeniMax and Bethesda had released teasers for Elder Scrolls Online, leaving many gamers wondering if the developers will leak release date information in the next few weeks.

"First, ZeniMax and Bethesda have posted a teaser, hinting that over the next couple of weeks, they will be releasing various updates about the game, including new concept artwork, an in-depth gameplay video, detailed Q&A sessions with the community and more. So yes, we have things to look out for," GamerHeadlines.com reports.

"Then, they gave us some new artwork, showing off some of the heavy armors available in the game. And might I say, I'm pleasantly surprised with the overall look and feel. The armors fit well with the setting, enhance immersion, and look damn good!"

There are rumors circulating that there are actually werewolf ability trees that users can scale, Joystiq.com reports.

"The first entry on my personal list gives us a hint at what part of the Daggerfall Covenant story will focus on in ESO. Although I'm hoping that this isn't the thrust of the main story, I am very interested in playing some side quests involving werewolves," the website writes.

"I guess the only way to find out is to travel to Rivenspire and be bitten!"

Earlier this week, ZeniMax Online released three variations of heavy armor customization, each one constructed to emphasize the visuals of each race.

"On display are new concept designs for Argonian, Orcish, and Kajiit armors, respectively. These join the previously seen Redguard, Wood Elf, and Dark Elf armor designs, as well as the High Elf, Nord, and Breton designs. ZeniMax noted that players will be able to craft weapons and armor in each racial style," Joystiq.com also writes.

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