Louis Leterrier To Helm New Sacha Baron Cohen Spy Comedy `Grimsby’; First Movie to Star Cohen That was Not Directed by Larry Charles

Louis Leterrier will direct the upcoming spy action-comedy "Grimsby" which will star Sacha Baron Cohen.

Louis Letterier will direct Sacha Baron Cohen in his new spy comedy Grimsby, which will be released by Paramount. The screenplay was written by Baron Cohen and Phil Johnston, who wrote "Wreck-It Ralph".

Louis Leterrier directed the films "Now You See Me," "Clash of the Titans" and 2008′s "The Incredible Hulk." Leterrier has been chasing this movie since he wrapped Now You See Me.  All the movies that Sacha Baron Cohen has starred in, from "Borat" to "Bruno" to "The Dictator," have been directed by Larry Charles. Cohen has acted in featured, but not starring roles in films like Martin Scorsese's "Hugo." Cohen was set to play Freddy Mercury in a biopic of the glam-rock singer, but he pulled out.

Grimbsby is the story of a James Bond-like spy who "is forced to go on the run with his long-lost brother, a moronic soccer hooligan," according to the logline provided by the studio at the time.r. With Leterrier at the helm it will prove to be an action-packed movie. A sequel to Now You See Me is also reportedly in the works

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sacha baron cohen
louis leterrier
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