4minute HyunA Shares Secrets on Relieving Stress Due to Sexy Image

Do you believe that 4Minute's HyunA also felt stressed about her sexy image? But she also have some ways to relieve it and recently she also shared tips about it.

In the recent episode of 'The Human Condition' the crew met with HyunA backstage during a music show to get her opinion on the segment 'living without stress' mission and asked her, "You have a sexy image. But do you ever get any stress from it?" HyunA responded, "Whenever I do, I try to think of it a bit more positively and try to embrace it."

They also asked her, "Do you have any stress management methods?" HyunA shared her routine, "According to my feelings on a particular day, I find and listen to good music appropriate to my feelings and weather. I relieve my stress in that way."

So that is her secret on how she really embraced her sexiness when she feels burdened by it! 

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The Human Condition
