K-Pop Crossover: Cosplay Fans Take On T.O.P., Girls' Generation, Zelo, And More!

As the K-pop phenomenon spreads across the globe, an interesting intersection between Korean pop music and cosplay has risen to the delights of fans everywhere.

Costume play, or cosplay for short, is the growing performative art of wearing costumes to represent a specific character or idea. This has been particularly popular with Japanese anime and video game characters.

But, as K-pop music, videos, and fashion grow more eye-catching and viral, a worldwide trend of cosplay representing Korean idols has emerged.

A good example is this fantastic T.O.P. cosplay based on his costumes for the "Fantastic Baby" music video.

With K-pop cosplay, one often notices that female cosplayers will take on male Korean idols. For example, check out this cosplay of Zelo from B.A.P.

In fact, K-pop cosplay has become so massive, there are even conventions dedicated solely for the celebration of Korean idol cosplaying.

Check out these videos of the K-pop Cosplay Con in the Philippines.

So, for your next convention visit, will you attempt K-pop cosplay as well? Who would you cosplay as? Comment below!

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