Brian Griffin Back In ‘Family Guy’ Just In Time For Christmas; Creator Reveals Moral Lesson Behind Brian’s Death

With Brian Griffin's death in 'Family Guy', fans were undeniably devastated that they immediately urged the producers to alter the story. Realizing the impact of the well-loved dog's loss, the 'Family Guy' creators brought Brian Griffin back. This became clear in the comedy cartoon's episode last Sunday entitled "Christmas Guy".

While Vinny, Brian's replacement, tried his best to make Stewie feel complete, the new dog was not able to do so. Stewie even asked Santa to have Brian back as his Christmas gift. However, even Santa failed because his time machine was broken the time Brian died. Nonetheless, he came across with a former version of himself and quickly realized that Stewie might have a time machine.

Thanks to a few physics-related tweaks, Stewie was able to push Brian away from the car who was about to hit him.  The family is then happy to celebrate Christmas with Brian back.

Most fans were unhappy for the show's strategy to enliven its storyline by killing Brian. Nonetheless, creator Set MacFarlane explained the moral lesson behind the precious dog's death:

"And thus endeth our warm, fuzzy holiday lesson: Never take those you love for granted, for they can be gone in a flash."

He likewise wrote an appreciation tweet for those who cared so much for the family's pet: "Oh and hey... thanks for caring so much about the canine Griffin. He is overcome with gratitude."

When Brian died, fans were quick to express their disagreement by creating a "Bring Brian Back" petition which gathered 128,000 signatures.

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