Christmas Day UFO Sightings Video Caught By Japanese Journalist: Aircraft Contrails Or Alien Invasion?

A Christmas Day miracle has come, although a possible UFO sightings video may not be exactly what one's looking for.

On December 25, a Japanese journalist in Tokyo captured footage of multiple alleged UFO sightings.

Based on translations of the article from Otakei, the journalist heard about the UFO sightings and ran out to his balcony to capture them on video.

The videos show what appears to be disc-shaped objects hovering over the sky, all pointed in the same direction.

"The UFOs all are in the same position...meaning they are almost horizontal but their left side tilts up about 20 to 30 degrees," wrote Scott Waring of UFO Sightings Daily.

Check out the first UFO sightings video below:

Although the UFO sightings video has since gone viral due to the peculiar shape of the UFOs, some are more skeptical over their extraterrestrial origin.

"Pretty sure those are contrails, lit up by the sun. I've seen those a few times, they look pretty strange but that's it," wrote Carlos Wendel on YouTube.

"High altitude jets passing over with short-lived vapor trails. Nothing to see here people, move along," added tortugabob.

To get a closer look at the UFO sightings, check out the second video below:

What do you think of these UFO sightings videos? Did they capture a potentially extraterrestrial invasion, or simply contrails from aircrafts?

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