Cameron Diaz `The Body Book’ Give Tips On How to Have a Body Just Like Cameron Diaz’s

Cameron Diaz wrote her first book, "The Body Book," and she wrote it to take care of everyone's body. 

Cameron Diaz, who still places high on the Maxim's Hot 100 list at 41, is best known for starring in such films "The Mask," "My Best Friend's Wedding" and "There's Something About Mary." But Cameron is also known as a world class beauty. Diaz' new book, "The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body with Sandra Bark" gives tips on exercise and tiet so everyone can have a world class body. She wants "people to be healthy and live their life to the fullest."

Cameron Diaz isn't a superwoman, she works it. Like the rest of us, she relaxed her diet for the holidays, but she made up for it. Diaz says "I'm not going to beat myself up about that. I ate the stuff I wanted to eat. I didn't restrict myself from things that made me happy. I was eating that way with my family and friends. We eat pork roast for Christmas, tacos the next day. I eat the pork skin, pork fat and the beef fat. That's my treat."

Diaz's book is divided into three parts-nutrition, fitness, and mind/body awareness, The publishers say it is a "holistic, long-term approach a long, strong, happy, healthy life."

And Cameron says a lot of it starts with a tight behind.  "Squeeze your butt muscles. Yes, right now, while you're sitting. Pull your abs in, too, while you're at it."

Cameron advises people to watch their energy levels. She writes "Do you leave the house with a phone that isn't charged and ready to go? Of course you don't. You always make sure it's powered up before you leave for the day. Eating whole foods and giving yourself all of your essential nutrients is like plugging in your iPhone: it charges up your whole life."

Diaz also says to eat healthy and not stuff yourself on junk. She says "Empty calories are, well, EMPTY CALORIES. If you respond to the feeling of hunger by eating high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods like processed foods, fast foods, and overly sweetened desserts. But when you eat cherries instead of cherry pie, grapes instead of grape soda, carrots instead of carrot cake, and homemade tacos instead of drive-thru burritos-in other words, nutrient-dense foods-every bite you eat powers up your engine... Just because you can put something in your mouth, chew it, swallow it, and then poop it out doesn't mean it's food. It just means you can chew it, swallow it, and poop it out."

She says carbs are alright. If you eat the right ones. "I love carbs. I love them! LOVE THEM!! They are what give me the energy I need to do all. Choosing the right kind of carbohydrates allows me to get the most out of my day. The right carbs are whole-food sources: foods like hearty grains that are still the way nature made them, not refined into a pizza crust or a pretzel twist, whole fruits that haven't been turned into juice and aren't swimming in sugar, and vegetables that are eaten fresh or cooked with some olive oil or another healthy fat."

Cameron Diaz is naturally sweet and advises the same for her readers. "I say, don't eat them...just don't go there. Training your taste buds to appreciate the delicate sweet flavors of natural fruits is the way to keep your body healthy and enjoy your food. And besides, those sweeteners admit what they really are: ARTIFICIAL sweeteners. They're faking it. Because they contain a bunch of chemicals that may have originated in nature long ago but are no longer being used in the way nature intended. If you really need to have something sweet and fruit just won't satisfy, I'd rather see you use plain refined sugar than those man-made fakes."

But most of all, work out. "When I was doing Charlie's Angels, and Master Cheung-yan Yuen and my trainer Tiger Chen told us that pain would become our best friend, I had no idea just how right-on those words would prove to be. One of the most important things they taught me was the difference between PAIN and INJURY. So let's be really clear: you do not want to get injured. You want to get STRONGER. "One of my favorite sayings is "Pain is weakness leaving your body." Isn't that such a great thing to know? When you push through to the other side of pain, you are stronger for it."

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