IU's Fan Club Buys A Buffet Lunch

"May the daughter of a meat restaurant treat you out to a buffet?"

On January 5, someone had set up a tent in the corner of the Gyeonggi-Do Ahn-Sung studio. The banner across the top read, "May the daughter of a meat restaurant treat you out to a buffet?" I had an inkling of what it was...and my inkling turned out to be right. My lovely fans had sent over a food cart, full of buffet food.

My name is IU. I live for my fans and food. The food cart was carefully provided by my fan club, IU.com. I was overjoyed as soon as I saw it. This location is the filming spot for the Korean drama 'Bel Ami'. Because of my fans' thoughtfulness, I did really well on shooting my scenes. Thank you, fans!

Would you like to take a look at what IU.com provided?

First, these are the packages my fans carefully prepared. There are so many things inside. Of course, all of the items have a sticker with my face on it. My fans say it is for staff members to always remember my character 'Bo Tong'. How awesome are they!

Are you curious about what the presents are? All of them were put together with great detail. The fan club had created 2014 IU calendars. This is a snapshot of me with the calendar. Pink Shoes IU and Cutie Bo Tong. Which IU is more attractive? You guys decide.

My picture-taking continues. This one is stickers. Can't gloss over presents just because they're small!  I tried to make a cute expression while taking this photo. If Ma Te saw this, I am sure he would comment:

"What's up with your face?"

The staff waited patiently for the food cart to open. Everyone told me this wait was a tough one. Well, it was hard for me too. My heart leaped as soon as I saw the word "buffet". I wished time would speed up, but all I could do was wait.

Finally. The food cart opened! I grabbed a plate and lined up behind people. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the steam rising from the delicious food. It was exciting to enjoy a buffet in the secluded filming location. I felt like I was on a field trip.

I'm going to eat as much as I want today. You do know that at a buffet, you have to get at least three plates, right? You have to get Korean food, Western food, and even dessert to enjoy the full buffet experience. If you see a chubbier IU, please don't say anything!

Wow, look at this spread. It is full of my favorite foods. I had to really think hard on what to start with. There were sushi, bulgogi, steak tartare, apples, grapes, melons, oranges, and more. My eyes reveled in delight. I really do think people live to eat.

I promise this isn't a lot of food! The plate is just small. I chose Korean food for my first course. What can I say, I'm Korean. I carefully picked out what to put on my plate. The food is even tastier since we're enjoying it outdoors.

In all honesty, it is hard to have meals when I'm filming. This goes for the staff too. The weather is cold, the people are hungry... so even tough 'Bo Tong' has a difficult time going through her scenes. But my thoughtful fans help me endure all difficulties.  

After the main course, we went to the café cart. I got myself a yummy smoothie. Even the cup has a picture of 'Bo Tong' on it. Thank you. I didn't know my hair was a mess when I took this photo. Isn't this aloofness a charming trait of 'Bo Tong'?

I am sad to say this is the last snapshot. Thanks to you I was able to enjoy a hearty meal. With this newfound energy, I am going back to work. Please watch the newest episode of 'Bel Ami' on January 9! Last but not least, I love you, fans! 

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