Miss Venezuela Daughter Maya To Serve As Court Witness? Late Beauty Queen’s Child Will Attend Funeral Despite Her Own Injuries

With the crime that unfairly took the lives of former Miss Venezuela Monica Spear and her ex-husband Thomas Henry last January 6, many wondered about the welfare of Miss Venezuela's daughter Maya. Despite being alive, the 5-year-old girl likewise suffered a gunshot wound on her leg. It took days before her grandparents were able to tell the news about her parents' death.

Although still bewildered from the news, Miss Venezuela daughter Maya will reportedly be present in the funeral of her parents in Caracas. Miss Venezuela daughter Maya is currently staying with her late mother's cousins and up until now, it is still unknown whether she will remain in Venezuela or come live with her grandparents in Orlando, Florida.

"It's a terrible tragedy what has happened to her and as long as we can give her time to recover we will be there for her. She's taken a bullet to her leg and is injured," says the late beauty queen's brother, Ricardo.

Although divorced, Spear and Henry reportedly took a New Year vacation to see if they could reconcile as per the beauty pageant titlist's father: "They truly loved each other and their daughter only cemented their love." While Spear was an American citizen, her love for Venezuela never ceased.

Authorities were able to arrest one woman from the group. Cops are still after the men involved in the robbery. According to Nancy Grace from HLN, Miss Venezuela's daughter might be asked to serve as a court witness for the case.

Do you think it is right to allow Miss Venezuela' daughter to testify?

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Miss Venezuela Monica Spears
Miss Venezuela
