Lebron James Protected By ESPN? Nene Dunk And Block On The King Not Featured In Top Plays To Avoid Damage to 'LeBrand'

Lebron James is the best player in the world, and ESPN will make sure that you remember. Every Lebron highlight, every King James achievement will make it into the Top 10 Plays - All the meaningful plays involving Lebron.
Except those where he’s on the receiving end.
Basketball Forever comments on their Facebook page: “LeBron got Blocked and Posterized by Nene when the Wizards beat the Heat by 17 and ESPN didn't show the replays, so we thought we should bring these photos to your attention.”
This comment from boxden.com: “Why is that this play didnt make NBA top 10?

Why is it that this play isn’t even on NBA.com website AT ALL?

Im unsure if it made ESPN's top 10 plays last night but i dont think it did!

If the roles were reversed and it was NENE who was chased down from behind and viciously blocked, it would be on the NBA's official site and all over ESPN top plays.”
There are also observations on Twitter:

Speaking of Lebron getting shamed, he has not had impressive numbers the past three games which Miami all lost, which led ESPN to ask the question: “Is Lebron James coasting?”
Excerpts from the interview and Lebron James’ quotes: "I'm listening to the numbers. Even though I'm not a big numbers guy, I do my part. Maybe I do have to start ramping it up a little but more."
"We'll see Wednesday how I'm coasting. You'll see the numbers I'll put up on Wednesday. Just watch."
"I cannot coast because I don't know if the next game will be the last game I've ever played. It's my mindset, when I get out on the floor, I gotta go hard. I don't know where it came from, the way I was brought up, the way I played when I was a kid."
"But I think if my teammates came to me and said, 'Listen. Tonight, go off, let's see what you can do.' I think I could do it then."

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