Will Smith Love Call to Wonder Girls for a Featuring

Hollywood actor Will Smith caught the attention of many as he asks Wonder Girls to invite him for a featuring in their album.

Will Smith attended the ‘Men In Black 3’ world premiere press conference in Seoul on May 7 walking on the red carpet at Yeongdeunpo Time Square in Seoul.

Will Smith garnered a lot of interest as he asked Wonder Girls members Sunye and Hyerim, that have expressed to be a fan of Will Smith and ‘Men In Black,’ “Please invite to be featured on your album.”

Will Smith shared, “My daughter is eleven years old and she only talks about Wonder Girls all day. She really likes them,” about meeting the K-Pop sensation.

When asked if he has heard the song of Wonder Girls the actor replied, “My daughter had me listen to it in the morning and I really liked it. It will be an honor if they invite me for a featuring later.”

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Will Smith
Wonder Girls
