Katy Perry’s Allah Burning in Dark Horse Video Slammed; Katy Perry’s Dark Horse Video Might Be Banned on YouTube

Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" music video is drawing its share of controversy. First the Christian Right was upset by Katy Perry's seemingly satanic lyrics and Illuminati references. Then Egyptian scholars laughed at the "Dark Horse" Cleopatra Twinkies. Now Katy Perry is being blasted for burning an Allah symbol in the "Dark Horse" music video.

Petitions are starting. Shazad Iqbal from the United Kingdom took to change.org to petition YouTube to remove Katy Perry's Dark Horse video.

Katy Perry's Dark Horse video might be banned from YouTube ban after backlash from the Muslim community has started to become a movement. The Katy Perry Dark Horse music video features an Allah-inscribed necklace being disintegrated with a blast from Katy Perry's magic fingers.

Thousands of people signed a Change.org petition that says Katy Perry was disrespecting Islam in her Dark Horse video.

One petitioner wrote "You can compare the feeling to someone burning a picture of somebody you love dearly."

Katy Perry's Dark Horse music video premiered on YouTube on Feb. 20. It has already hit over 30 million views.

The veneration of Allah is important to the Muslim faith. 99 names are listed for it in the Koran including the All-Merciful and the All-Compassionate. The word Allah is considered the greatest name of all.

In his petition, Iqbal writes "Using the name of God in an irrelevant and distasteful manner would be considered inappropriate by any religion. ... At 01:15 into the video ... a man is shown being burned whilst wearing a pendant (also burned) forming the word 'Allah', which is the Arabic word for God," wrote the man who launched the petition, Shazad Iqbal, from Bradford. "Blasphemy is clearly conveyed in the video, since Katy Perry (who appears to be representing an [opponent] of [Allah]) engulfs the believer and the word God in flames."

There is a long history of Western depictions of Islam being viewed as disrespectful by Muslims. The makers of South Park were threatened with death for depicting the prophet Mohammed.

Katy Perry was blasted for promoting Asian stereotypes three months ago for her Geisha-themed performance at the American Music Awards. In December, fans were upset when Katy Perry Marie Claire magazine that she no longer identifies herself as Christian.

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