Celebrity Spotlight Interview with Giullian Gioiello (CW's "Carrie Diaries")

Giullian Gioiello, you can sing, dance, and act. What's your strongest skill and the one you enjoy doing the most?
 I'd have to say I think singing comes the most naturally, and will always be a huge hobbie of mine--but acting has always been the most challenging and at the same time, interesting. I feel like you're always learning more, every day, as an actor.

You've been in front of the camera since you were a little kid, have you always known you wanted to be an actor?
 Oh, definitely. I've loved it ever since I was a kid. Can't say I loved memorizing lines when I was younger, but otherwise it's just such an exciting and constantly changing career--it never gets boring. I've had so many interesting experiences on set; sitting on Conan O'Brien's lap as a four-year old and asking for "Proof of extra-terrestrial life" on a Christmas special to having James Lipton take off his beard and put it on my face on an LG commercial. Yeah. That stuff happened.

You're on CW's "Carrie Diaries," and you're beyond adorable on the show! Tell us about your character.
 Why, thank you! He's sorta like an innocent, younger version of me. His name is "Scott" and he's got a huge crush on Dorrit, but tries to hide it from her so that he can seem cooler. It's kind of awesome playing him because I get to re-live that goofy, awkward stage of high school again. It's also way more fun when you're not actually in high-school anymore.

Would you ever date a fan?
 They'd have to pretend they weren't for a couple years, and then finally, when we're married and birthing our first child, they'll yell out "I LOVED YOUR ROLE ON CARRIE DIARIES, <3<3 HAVE MY CHILDREN". But don't quote me on that.

Any K-Pop groups or singers that interest you?
 I mean, just like the rest of the male population of the world, I am definitely a fan of (the girls in) Girls' Generation.

If you were in an infamous Korean drama love triangle, name one American celebrity and one Korean celebrity you would be in it with.
It'd have to be Bi Rain and Me, in a ninja sing-off battle for the heart of Jennifer Lawrence. It would be sooo epic.

What's up next for you?
 I'm actually finishing up my last semester at NYU at the moment--and hopefully we'll see a season 3 of Carrie Diaries in the fall.

Any last words for our Kpopstarz readers?
 Stay safe, and... don't do drugs!

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