Bumkey And New K-Pop Group Troy Drop First Single 'Green Light'

It has been revealed that Bumkey (real name Kwon Ki Bum), who has been receiving love and positive feedback for his solo activities, has debuted in a hip-hop group called Troy.

Why would Bumkey, who is currently enjoying success from his solo activities, agree to be part of a four-member group?

Star News interviewed the artist who explained, "There are several things I'd like to do that can't be done as an individual; I need the back-up of my members in order to show an upgraded version of myself."

He said, "After being used to performing solo, the presence of these other members adds elements, such as visuals and performance, that I realize I lacked. Bumkey jokingly added, "It seems like I'm the member that least knows how to have a good time and relax on stage."

He concluded, "I am very excited for my future activities with Troy. I promise I will show new aspects and charms through this group that I wasn't able to while being active as a solo artist."

Troy's debut strategy is different from those present in current idol groups. Whilst most groups debut as a group first and then move on to separate units in order to highlight the colors and skills of individual members, Troy went the opposite way. We got to see who each of the members were as an artist initially and now we will see them as Troy on stage. For example, audiences were able to experience beforehand the solo tracks of Bumkey and Kanto.

Troy's debut single "Green Light" is the work of producing team Keeproots in addition to contributions from Bumkey. This punk hip-hop track has been released on several online music websites on March 14.

Be sure to check out the introductions of each member:


Jae Woong:

Chang Woo:


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