K-Pop Double-Take: Orange Caramel Gets You Moving With 'Catallena' [VIDEO]

K-Pop Double-Take is a periodic column highlighting recent releases that have yet to receive the attention we feel they deserve.

It's rare that you see a music video these days that has a truly original concept.

It's even more rare that it has an easily discernible message that is effectively communicated, without beating the audience over the head with it.

All of these things are true about the new Orange Caramel video "Catallena."

And though the video has received over a million views on YouTube since being released on March 11, it has still not given the group the kind of chart success they deserve.

Not just because the video is great, but because it is supporting a song that is just as interesting.

With a sound channeling both 1970s disco and 1980s electro, the After School spin-off group is bound to get some asses onto the dance floor with this one.

But "Catallena" also has a weird, almost otherworldly quality that makes it a bit more interesting then your average booty shaker.

Yet to return to the concept of the video for a moment, the girls pose as food on a plate and mermaids being sold in the same packaging you would purchase a pound of salmon.

They find themselves as fare on a revolving sushi restaurant, a pretty perfect analogy for a career in the music industry, particularly as a pop star.

But like the song itself, the video for "Catallena" maintains such a lighthearted, dare I say it, adorable, sense of fun, it's hard to take it as more then a playful jab at their lot in life.

Whatever the members of Orange Caramel and their director are thinking, the band knows how to turn out some infectious dance pop.

Watch the innovative music video for the Orange Caramel song "Catallena" RIGHT HERE

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Orange Caramel
