Kim Jang Hoon Incorporates “Korean Comfort Women Exhibition” into Dokdo Art Show

Singer Kim Jang Hoon decided to host the Korean Comfort Women exhibition along with his Dokdo art show held in Shanghai's Korean Culture Center on April 17-26.

According to Kim Jang Hoon's agency, Kim Jang Hoon met with the Korean Culture Center staff to finalize the decision to incorporate the exhibit.

Kim Jang Hoon also visited the Korean History Museum to see its special exhibit on Japanese Army comfort women and to discuss support for the exhibit with authorities.

In the Dokdo art show held in Shanghai, Shanghai Media Group's Art team participates to make a reduced-scale model of Dokdo.

Kim Jang Hoon stated: "Because China tends to be a bit sensitive when it comes to cultural events and performances, we need to be cautious, taking the relationship between Korea and China into consideration. We thought this would be the optimal time to have a Dokdo art show in China; we're thinking to hold our next Chinese show in Nanjing".

He added, "We want to incorporate the Japanese army comfort women exhibition into our art show. We're thinking of having the art show and exhibit in China, Australia, the Netherlands, and the Philippines. We're aware that the army comfort women issue is not only a problem in the Korea-Japan relationship but also an issue of global human rights - we hope that the international cooperation system will be effective in drawing Japanese apology.

Kim Jang Hoon returned to Korea on the 19th to pursue the international exhibition through the different embassies.

Meanwhile, Kim Jang Hoon visits Kenya for volunteer work and a village concert on the 24th for two weeks, then heads to China for the Shanghai Dokdo Art Show.

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Kim Jang Hoon
