K-Pop Fashion Trend Report: Patterned Suits

Sighting male K-Pop idols in matching, vibrant-colored suits probably hits a soft spot in many fan girls out there with their overflowing "aegyo" (cute factor).

For this feature, we will exclude the somewhat dull yet handsome-looking black and white classic suits for the equally charming, psychedelic patterned suits.

In the visually-vibrant and colorful world of K-Pop, this is a style trend that directly complements the reigning entertainment industry in Asia. Be it worn by male groups following the "cute" or the "cool" route, this style seems to work its magic anywhere, softening even the fiercest and most masculine looks of our K-Idols. It is no wonder this fashion trend remains to be one of the most popular and well loved go-to concept for music videos and performances.

Here are just several examples of the patterned suit trend on male K-Idols:

Boyfriend “Love style” Music Video

BEAST “Beautiful Night” Music Video

As observed, the patterned suit trend is used in both cute and cool music concepts and serves both faithfully well.

The impeccably tailored, flattering patterned suit is so eye-catching that sometimes, simply observing K-Idols standing in them alone is dazzling enough. One’s flustered self can only try to follow the bright suits and their accompanied electric dance routine simultaneously occurring in an MV – but it is almost impossible to catch up with the overflowing delight and excitement.

As it is with any other fashion trend, it can go both ways. But majority of K-Pop acts have been able to pull off the patterned suits in such dashing ways it will probably inspire more gentlemen to start dressing this way. But of course, only some can actually pull this style off altogether.

Definitely not forgetting also – if there's an ambassador for the colorful suit trend, it would most definitely be none other than SHINee.

SHINee for “Dream Girl”

Surely, the style was made for them. SHINee encompasses youthful energy and never fails to deliver tirelessly powerful performances. The burst of color and pattern from this fashion style -in every way- complement the dynamics of this power group.

Once deemed an outrageous and almost too “gay” fashion style due to its overtly loud colors and crazy patterns, K-Pop has once again proven that fashion is where anything goes; even the manliest of men can rock this technicolor concept. So surely – one should not be afraid of standing out. Flaunt those patterns!

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