Real Housewives Of New York City Recap [VIDEO] Boring Episode Except Heather Thompson Goes The Ghetto On Amanda On RHONY---Bookgate Continues while Ramona Singer Is No WHere To Be Found


Real Housewives Of New York City Recap: Heather Thompson finally goes ghetto, Ramona Singer is surprisingly absent, 'Bookgate' continues (yawn), Aviva Drescher faces her demons, and Kristen remains neutral and therefore still as boring as Aviva losing her leg. But what becomes more and more apparent on New York City Housewives is just how much the Housewives and viewers cannot stand Aviva, for she is just a big ball of paranoia and fakeness.

Heather Thompson gets in a heated altercation with the new Amanda girl, that is of course friends with Aviva Dresher! It comes as no surprise that the most hated New York Housewife would have an image consultant as dumb as Amanda. She clearly does a bad job and is getting backlash from all of the Housewives. Even Sonja Morgan, whom frequently remains neutral, can't stand Aviva's new BFF because she's cozying up to Harry, whom Sonja claimed years ago when he dumped Aviva Drescher.

When Amanda says she is going to deck Heather, the Housewives star doesn't back down saying, "go ahead, deck me" repeatedly. Love when Carol says in her confessional "there's a reason Heather worked for P.Diddy. That girl's got street cred." Unfotunately that's the only thing I can report that is interesting about this weeks Real Housewives of New York. Aviva sees the sight of her leggy accident, the Housewives go to the Mermaid Parade, and Carol and Aviva continue Bookgate, which is getting older that Sonja Morgan's teeth. Where the hell is Ramona Singer when you need some real NYC Housewives drama?

It was the 5th episode of RHONY and already I'm getting bored and frankely, very fed up with watching Aviva.

Bravo doesn't quite understand that just because we dislike a character, doesn't mean we enjoy hating them. Sometimes we just dislike them so much, that we refuse to tune in. And if Aviva isn't gone, that's exactly what I'm going do...tune out.

What did you think of Real HOusewives Of New York this week?

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