Sunny, "Please Watch As Girls' Generation Matures"

Girls' Generation's member Sunny will be meeting the crowd with her voice.

In the Hollywood animation movie "Rio 2" releasing on May 1, Sunny will be doing the voice of the mom parrot. Despite her busy schedule, she decided to take the offer of dubbing for the movie, revealing her love for animation movies.

From musical to entertainment and from singing to dubbing, Sunny has been spreading out her territory wide. Sunny said, "It's all thanks to Girls' Generation. I think it's because I'm in this big fence of Girls' Generation that I've been able to use my talents."

-This is your first dubbing acting.

"Dubbing is such a charming job. I love turning completely into a character. It's like I'm going into a fantasy. When would I be able to become a bird and live in the Amazon? Plus, I really love animation. I love that I get to watch the movie first (laugh)."

-You got to work with Im Siwan.

"We recorded separately so I couldn't really work with them but the director gave me detailed directions so that was a big help. I heard the other voices later and it was so good."

-Do you have any desire to go into acting?

"More than dramas or movies, I want to mix singing and acting like in musicals. I find it very cool how actors sweat and practice together to be in sync. I think I'll be able to do a musical soon."

-Are there any other areas that you want to go into?

"Not yet. But I do want to do a reality program with other members of Girls' Generation. We did a few in the past but because of our busy schedule we didn't get to show deeper sides of us. I don't know when it'll be but I want to be able to show our real, honest sides soon."

-Girls' Generation that debuted in their teens is already in their mid-20s.

"I think the public and Girls' Generation together grew until now. In our debut days, we revealed the girl-next-door image and after that we showed the 'star' side. I think a lot of people are starting to see us as humans now. We'll continue to change and mature and that's what we want to show. I hope people can just watch us grow naturally."

Photo Credit: Rio 2

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