‘Batman Vs Superman’ Plot Spoilers: 'Man of Steel' Ready To Kill! Zack Snyder Breaks The Rules On New Superman! 'The Violence Is Real!'

The superhero movies are raising the stakes and Superman is no exception. In 'Batman Vs Superman' director Zack Snyder vows not to pull any punches!

It should be no surprise when they hired Zack Snyder to direct the Superman reboot movie, "Man of Steel." The director's claim to fame is the bloody, gory ab-fest "300." In fact, this is why Warner Bros. chose him to helm their flagship project. The viewing public does not like Boy Scouts anymore. Not even a Super one.

Yet, there were still some purists who caused an uproar when they saw Kal-El breaking General Zod's neck. For them, they still see the immaculate image of Christopher Reeve who refused to kill anyone. The Henry Cavill version, no matter the resemblance, does not carry the same torch.

Snyder addresses the issue-rightfully, with no apologies in Forbes magazine: "I think with Superman we have this opportunity to place this icon within the sort of real world we live in. And I think that, honestly, the thing I was surprised about in response to Superman was how everyone clings to the Christopher Reeve version of Superman, you know? How tightly they cling to those ideas, not really the comic book version but more the movie version..."

It seems like the "Sucker Punch" director is just starting to fully realize how much of a legend he chose to tackle. He continues:

"If you really analyze the comic book version of Superman, he's killed, he's done all the things- I guess the rules that people associate with Superman in the movie world are not the rules that really apply to him in the comic book world, because those rules are different. He's done all the things and more that we've shown him doing, right? It's just funny to see people really taking it personally... because I made him real, you know, I made him feel, or made consequences [in] the world. I felt like, it was the same thing in Watchmen. We really wanted to show it wasn't just like they thought, like the PG-13 version where everyone just gets up and they're fine. I really wanted to show the violence is real, people get killed or get hurt, and it's not fun or funny. And I guess for me, it was like I wanted a hero in Superman that was a real hero and sort of reflected the world we live in now."

In a nutshell, what he wants to say is that 'with all due respect, this is MY movie now.'

The Snyder trademark was represented well in "Man Of Steel" and there is no reason why he would not pursue it in the sequel. With Batman, Lex Luthor and Wonder Woman as confirmed characters, this could be an exciting Battle Royale.

Speaking of Battle Royale, we will witness one in the theaters on May 6, 2016 when the Man of Steel sequel clashes head-on with Captain America 3. Two former boy scouts tainted by the current world will see their stories unfold on the same day.

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