K-Pop Goes Classical, Belgian Music Festival Updates Dvořák With K-Pop Dancers

It's not very often that one has the opportunity to mention classical musicians like Beethoven or Bach in the same sentence as Korean pop superstars. But with K-Pop's increasingly global appeal, it seems like just as good a jumping off point rustle up some passion for the classical greats.

In Belgium, the B-Classic Music Festival enlisted the help of Korean pop-dance group Waveya to promote their "Classic Comeback" competition.

The music festival's mission is to "give classical music the same recognition as pop and rock music," and the most recent update is mesmerizing.

In a music video filmed in South Korea by director Raf Reyntjens, the members of Waveya show off impressive modern choreography set to Antonín Leopold DvoÅ™ák's "Symphony No. 9 Allegro con fuoco." For three minutes, viewers are so completely entranced by the bumping, grinding, and non-stop booty shaking, that they barely realize the song playing is over one hundred years old.

As Chereen Gayadin, a senior music programmer at MTV, explained to AdWeek, "I think that this is the first video in which one listens to classical music without being aware that it is classical music."

This is all part of the plan, according to the festival's organizers. They claim that all young people today need is more access to classical music. And clever music videos like this one, that pay to their interests, are a very good way of doing just that.

Nowadays, with the increasing popularity of social networking sites, especially things like YouTube and Facebook, people around the world have more access to entertainment media from across the globe. In the past several years K-Pop has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, and hopefully some of it's popularity will help ignite a newfound appreciation for classical music.

Check out Waveya's official Facebook page HERE

For more about the B-Classic festival, check out the official website HERE.

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