‘Godzilla’ 2014 Review: Girls, You Can Enjoy This Movie Too; Here’s Why

"Godzilla" 2014 may not be your top-choice movie to see this spring if you're into rom-coms or chick flicks. But trust me, girls - "Godzilla" 2014 is awesome. Go see it with your boyfriend/brother/nerdy uncle and you won't regret it. Here's why "Godzilla" 2014 is girl-friendly - even for girls who'd prefer to see Ryan Gosling make out with a buxom blonde than a dinosaur stomping around San Francisco.

The family factor: Bryan Cranston is brilliant. A friend of mine said "Godzilla" 2014 should have ended when the movie shifts away from Bryan Cranston's character to a lackluster performance by Aaron Taylor-Johnson as his son, Ford. Regardless of who's a better actor (it's Bryan Cranston), the family aspect of "Godzilla 2014" is a tear-jerker for all you girly girls out there that feel their ovaries swell when they see a cute kid running into their mother's arms. And there's plenty of mother-son/father-son/husband-wife dynamics going on in "Godzilla" 2014. There's even some monster lovin' going on between Papa Muto and Mama Muto - I won't give anything away, but let's just say we could even spin "Godzilla" as a film about star-crossed monsters who try to make their romance work against all obstacles. Papa Muto was in Japan while Mama Muto was in Nevada and yet they found each other (thanks to a rather disturbing mating call). Now that's what we call true love.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is hot: Where did those muscles come from, Andy? We're guessing somewhere between prepping for his role in "Godzilla" as a soldier and getting ready to play superhero Quicksilver in the upcoming "Avengers" movie, Aaron Taylor-Johnson grew some guns. While his facial expressions (or lack thereof) and voice are nothing to fawn over, I was too busy staring at his pecs to care. And I'm sure you won't be able to ignore them either, ladies.

Godzilla is kick-ass: Bear with me on this. If you're a stereotypical girly-girl that would rather watch a movie featuring a single Cameron Diaz struggle to find the love of her life than giant monsters fighting each other and getting shot at, then I understand why "Godzilla is kick-ass" is a statement that would not convince you to spend $14 on this movie. But trust me, this dinosaur is cool and you won't be able to resist cheering for him. (Disclaimer: I have a younger brother that may or may not have had an effect on my idea of what "cool" is.) But when you see this prehistoric creature emerging out of the water, diving under big Navy boats, or giving off that crazy roar, you're going to feel those goosebumps. And pretty soon, you're going to be gasping and fist-pumping with all the other nerds in the movie theater who get an adrenaline rush when Godzilla shows off some bad-ass skills.

So take my word for it, ladies. You can enjoy "Godzilla" just as much as any boy. And when you finally agree to see this movie with a male companion, you can tell him to thank me for convincing you to go. You're welcome. 

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