‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron' Plot Spoilers: Hulk Kills Hawkeye Because Of Black Widow? Sequel To Feature Love Triangle Among Heroes Without Solo Films! Joss Whedon Confirmed Death Of An Avenger!

The "Avengers: Age Of Ultron" Plot Spoilers are slowly building a coherent picture that every Marvel fan would be dying to watch! The development of the characters that don't have solo movies (Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow) will come into fruition in an unexpected twist-which could include the death of an Avenger!

It has already been hinted that the Hulk will have feelings for Black Widow. But a new angle surfaces as the references to "the incident in Budapest" between Hawkeye and Natasha Romanoff may come into play and that they are actually more than just friends or teammates.

From an interview with Scarlett Johansson in Rotten Tomatoes, it was noticed that Black Widow was wearing an arrow necklace in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier." The pregnant actress confirmed that it was indeed her character's homage to Hawkeye:

"Johansson: Um, you know, I think that may have been my little nod to Mr. Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye. I guess you could interpret it in different ways, but we thought it would be nice to have something that was a little bit personal for the Widow. You know, you kind of forget-I think because she's so, she's such a badass-you kind of forget she's still a woman and that she has her interpersonal relationships and life outside of work."

It should be noted that Hawkeye was absent in the entire "Winter Soldier" film, but the Widow faithfully wears the memento.

Another clue was a statement made by the directors of "Winter Soldier" Joe and Anthony Russo on an Empire podcast. The discussion shifted on the obvious question of why Captain America and Black Widow did not become a couple and whether Hawkeye was to blame. The statement:

"Honestly, it was a choice that Scarlett made as a character, um, and I think it will become clear-her relationship with Hawkeye will become very clear, I think, in Avengers 2."

Of course, these directors are sworn to secrecy but that would be enough.

Meanwhile, what would the Hulk do if he indeed had strong feelings for Black Widow only to be hindered by the archer? Moviepilot speculates that he might react in a similar manner as he did with Loki in the famous "Puny god" scene-"Only with a flattened archer in place of a mildly pummelled Norse trickster god."

Would that lead to Hawkeye's death? No less than Joss Whedon has confirmed that someone would die. From EW:

"They know, as any good studio does, that without some stakes, some real danger, how involved can we get? We don't just rule it out across the board, but neither is the mission statement 'Who can we kill?' We try to build the story organically and go, 'How hard can we make it on these people?'"

So some of the rumors are holding up, like the increased role of the Widow, Hulk and Hawkeye. Let's see what else will hold true on May 1, 2015!

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