The Legend Of Korra Book 3 Villain [VIDEO]: Season 3 Trailer Unveils Combustion Woman, Zaheer, The Dai Li, And Earth Queen

As "The Legend of Korra" Book 3 unleashes its first official trailer, fans have a greater of sense of the villain (or villains) that will plague Korra's journey in "Change."

Yesterday, amidst the debacle of the Book 3 episode leaks, Nickelodeon finally released the first official trailer for "The Legend of Korra" on their website. Perhaps due to the leak, the trailer features a surprising amount of new footage, and introduces a host of new characters and villain characters.

The Legend of Korra: Book 3 Official Trailer 

From this trailer, we can gather that there will be multiple villains in the new season of "The Legend of Korra" as the harmonic convergence changes the landscape of the Avatar universe.

The first group of featured villains appears to be four different types of benders who have been imprisoned at various locations by the White Lotus. It appears that the White Lotus and Zuko (yes, he's alive) are working together to police the delinquent benders as they become more and more powerful through harmonic convergence.

Within this group, we have a woman who appears to have similar powers as the Combustion Man from "Avatar: The Last Airbender." We also have three other villains, one of whom has been named Zaheer by translators who have been working off of the leaked Chilean episodes.

In addition, it is also rumored that the Earth Queen will be a villain this year, though perhaps more politically than anything else. In the trailer, we get a glimpse of a member of the Dai Li capturing Jinora. Although the organization is supposed to be disbanded, it will obviously resurface in Book 3.

What do you think of the new villain roster for "The Legend of Korra" Book 3?

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