Harrison Ford Breaks Ankle On Set Of New Star Wars WIll This Delay Shooting? [PHOTO]

Harrison Ford has been airlifted to a hospital after breaking his ankle, and possibly his pelvis.

The 71 year old actor sustained the injury when a spaceship door fell on his leg while filming at Pinewood Studios in England. His Wife, Calista Flockhart has flown to England to be with him. The extent of his injuries aren't yet fully known, but his son, Ben Ford, has told told Access Hollywood his dad's ankle might need a plate and screws.

 It is unclear how long it will take for the actor to recover. Scrambling to reschedule production a spokesman for Lucas Film said,"Harrison Ford sustained an ankle injury during filming today on the set of Star Wars: Episode VII. He was taken to a local hospital and is receiving care."

"Shooting will continue as planned while he recuperates," said another statement the Lucasfilm released Thursday night.

Another sourced told the Mirror, "the hope is that before too long Harrison can return and film scenes from the waist up while his ankle heals."

Health and Safety executives have also been called in to inspect the Pinewood set, with other actors worried about a similar mishap. While not confirmed, there is some speculation that the door that fell on Ford was from the iconic Millennium Falcon. 

Star Wars Episode seven will be the first in a new trilogy of films, the first directed by JJ Abrams and produced by Disney. The cast includes several of the original actors reprising their famous roles, including Carrie Fisher as Leia, and Mark Hamill. The film is currently slated to come out December of 2015, while the production company denies it, it is unclear if this incident will delay the release date.

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Harrison Ford
Star Wars
star wars episode vii
