Clara's Tombstone Spotted In Doctor Who Season 8 Finale Set Photos [SPOILERS]? Steven Moffat Teases Dr. Who Series 9 Cliffhanger!

As "Doctor Who" season 8 begins filming for the finale, spoilers from set photos have set off alarms for Whovians, particularly if they love Clara.

According to DoctorWhoTV, two set photos were recently uploaded online from the National Museum of Cardiff, the location used in "The Day of the Doctor."

From the photos, props can be seen which resemble tomb stone which read, "Rest in peace… we promise," alongside what fans assume to be Gallifreyan.

The reason behind such props is shrouded in mystery, but longtime "Doctor Who" fans have some theories.

"The presence of the tombstone AND what looks like an ad with the same basic message makes me think it's an exhibit of some kind at the gallery," commented NumberNine on DoctorWhoTV.

"I can't see it being The Master's, The Doctor's, Rassilion's, Romana's or any other of the major Time Lord characters," said Unibot on June 25. "My first guess was it was Susan's gravestone, and then I got thinking. Time Lords really don't have gravestones, do they? They have time scars. So...what is the gravestone for then?"

The next theory, however, if far more alarming.

"Clara's grave, only thing it could be," added RorytheHipster. "Or the Master's, but more likely a human, so Clara. Not the Doctor's, his will always be on Trenzalor."

What do you think of these set photos? What could they be for?

Meanwhile, Steven Moffat is already teasing the cliffhanger for "Doctor Who" season 9.

In the latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, Steven Moffat discussed how far in advance he plans the series.

"One season at a time, largely. I suppose, I had a fair amount of Trenzalore worked out (the Doctor trapped in a war for a thousand years) when I wrote 'The Eleventh Hour,' but that’s really the exception," said Moffat.

“Sitting here, right now, just before the finale shooting block, I’ve figured out the cliffhanger to the penultimate episode of the next series. And it’s a whopper. Ohh, I don’t think you’ll see this coming!”

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