'Gears of War 4' Release Date, News, And Rumors: Cole Train Making Reappearance, Epic Games Sells Title To Microsoft Black Tusk Studios [PHOTO]

The original "Gears of War" was one of the Xbox 360's first breakout big titles, and it led the way in a new type of gritty, sci-fi shooter with a yet unseens scope, scale, and realism.

Many predicted that we would get to see some of "Gears of War 4" at this year's E3. Seeing as Microsoft's Black Tusk studio bought he property, it seemed like a good way as any to shore Xbox One sales. But we didn't.

Earlier this year Microsoft purchased the "Gears of War " property from Epic Games. Fans have been waiting with bated breath to get even a glimpse at the new game. So far all we know is that Black Tusk Studios will be working on the project and series alumni Rod Fergusson has been brought back on to oversee the new installment. While that information doesn't provide gamers with much to go on, it appears that at least one familiar face will be making an appearance in the currently untitled "Gears of War 4"

Lester Speight, the man responsible for voicing the athelete-turned-soldier Augustus Cole from Gears of War, was recently asked by a fan on Twitter if he'd been contacted by Microsoft to reprise his role. Apparently Speight has been, or at least his response to the follower appears to indicate that the Cole Train will be making his triumphant return.

Speaking about the game Black Tusk Studios manager Rod Fergusson said that making the best game in a successful series is always a tricky situation, as fans

"want something new but they don't want something so new that it doesn't feel like what they want. But if you put out something that's very familiar and is the same as the game they just had, then it's like 'I've already had this. This isn't new enough.'"

He did point out though that Microsoft's backing:

"means we're able to push a lot harder in a lot of bigger areas. The franchise can do a lot more now that Microsoft owns the IP; we can expand it's breadth and do a lot more with it."

Some ideas that have been floated on the intent include a total reboot or a prequel, after all The Locust were completely wiped out at the end of "Gears of War 3" through a genetically programmed genocide.

Others have focussed on gameplay fixes, such as improved AI. The Locust, despite their alien-intelligent hive mind, had a tendency to walk slowly between cover. Could improvement in the AI allow you to do battle with smarter enemies and bring back some of the more tactical battles of the first two "Gears of War" games?

Table integration is another possibility. It would be awesome to be able to position a Hammer of Dawn bombardment using a tablet as a side screen.

Ultimately, for now, we are just going to have to wait and see what the next Gears of War game.

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