Malaysian Airlines Plane Crashes In Ukraine; Commercial Jet W/ 295 Passengers Reportedly Shot Down

A Malaysian Airlines passenger plane crashes in Ukraine, carrying 295 passengers on bard. According to multiple reports, the commercial jet was reportedly shot down at cruising altitude.

Fox News notes that according to Russia’s Interfax news agency, amongst other sources, the plane was shot. Ukrainian Interior Minister Anton Gerashenko also echoed the alleged reports when he spoke with the Associated Press. MH17 from Amsterdam was carrying 280 passengers and 15 passengers on board.

Malaysian Airlines confirmed that it lost contact with the airplane in a tweet.

“Malaysian Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam,” a tweet dated July 17, 2014 at 10:36 A.M. notes (timezone to be determined). It continued, “The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow..”

Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said he has directed the country’s Ministry of Defense to investigate the incident, according to his Twitter account.

The Ukrainian government official said on his Facebook page that the Malaysian Airlines jet was flying at an altitude of 33,000 feet when it was hit Thursday by a missile from a Buk launcher. He noted that a similar launcher was seen by Associated Press journalists near the Eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhne earlier Thursday.

Fox News reports that the adviser told Russian news agency Interfax that all onboard have been killed.

The border area where the commercial jet went down is near the city of Kremenchuk. The locale has been embroiled in the larger dispute between Ukraine and ethnic Russian separatists. Fighting between factions have intensified in recent months in the region, according to Fox News, and the Ukrainian government said that a Russian military plane shot down a Ukrainian fighter jet in Ukrainian airspace.

President Obama has been briefed on the incident, a senior White House official said, Fox News reports.

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