Ock Joo Hyun's Gorgeous Body Line! "1 Second Uee"

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Singer and actress Ock Joo Hyun's Twitter photo revealed her slim figure that makes her look like After School's Uee.

Earlier Ock Joo Hyun updated her personal Twitter page with the words, "In front of the soba place", and included a photo that was taken by someone else that revealed her beautiful figure.

In the photo, Ock Joo Hyun is wearing a white T-shirt with a picture of Snoopy and his house on the front. She matched her adorable T-shirt with blue jeans that emphasized her long skinny legs. 

The reason this photo became an issue is because of Ock Joo Hyun's dramatically different figure. Even though she has always been praised for her long gorgeous legs, Ock Joo Hyun appears to have lost a significant amount of weight from her waist and from her arms.

People in the online community who saw the photos responded with comments like, "You look the same as when you began dieting", "Seems like you didn't try hard but you look pretty", "One second Uee" and "Is she dating, she got so pretty."

Photo Credit: Ock Joo Hyun's Twitter

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