Mars Rover Found Alien Thigh Bones? Photos From Curiosity Suggest Life Forms On Red Planet, Atmosphere Composition Compared Earth Similar?

The Mars rover may have found alien thigh bones after roaming the red planet for over two years. Seeing how the atmosphere composition of Mars and the condition comparable to Earth, many scientists and people have been searching for life forms on Mars. The most recent photo from the rover Curiosity show thigh bones that suggest life may (once have) existed on Mars.

Check out the photo of the Mars aliens’ thigh bone here:

According to I4U News, the Mars rover Curiosity took a picture that looks like a “femur thigh bone” using its “MastCam”. When the scientists first received it, having received thousands of pictures for the past two years, they didn’t think much of it. But the photo soon went viral online after someone claimed that one of the images looked like a thigh bone.

NASA, the expert on this matter, quelled the gype around the potential new Mars discovery. It said that the photo showed some interestingly shaped rock (“by either water or wind in the shape of a bone”), but definitely not a femur bone.

Scientists have been searching for aliens and other life forms on Mars for years now. Despite the fact that the Mars’ atmosphere composition may be comparable to Earth’s, the conditions still seem too harsh to let life thrive on the red planet.

Still, never say never. Maybe these Mars aliens are particularly good at hiding.

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