Facebook Updates News Feed Again! Changes Algorithm To Prioritize 'Timely', 'Trending' And 'Popular' Posts

Facebook just announced that it has updated its News Feed (again!). 

News post and trending topics will now appear sooner and higher on your Facebook News Feed. It will also look at when people like and comment on certain posts from friends and Pages so it can stop showing posts about real-time events later when people are no longer interested.

For example, if a post contains a trending topic word or phrase, Facebook will immediately consider it as timely and bumps it higher in the News Feed to those who follow that Page.

The changes was said to make Facebook more relevant especially for following breaking news and live events such as TV premieres, sports games, and award shows. This would put Facebook head on with Twitter, which is the known social media go-to for trending topics.

Through a Facebook announcement, engineers Erich Owens and David Vickrey said that the Facebook's broader mission with the News Feed is "to show everyone the right content at the right time."

Occasionally people would miss stories that are important and relevant to them due to how Facebook Newsfeed's ranks posts. The announcement might be a welcome change after all.

Owens and Vickrey acknowledged that the recent Facebook Newsfeed might not be as timely as it ought to be:

"We've heard feedback that there are some instances where a post from a friend or a Page you are connected to is only interesting at a specific moment, for example when you are both watching the same sports game, or talking about the season premiere of a popular TV show. There are also times when a post that is a day or two old may not be relevant to you anymore."

Normally the Facebook Newsfeed's sorting algorithm focuses on the number of hits, likes, comments and shares. It tries to show users the best posts since the last time they visited. Now, it was announced that a post's urgency would also be given priority.

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