'The 3rd Hospital' Oh Ji Ho Reveals His Toned Body

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tvN's "The 3rd Hospital" actor Oh Ji Ho revealed his bronzed, toned body.

Oh Ji Ho had shown off his masculine side with his role in "Chuno," and he has taken his shirt off once again.

On Thursday's episode, Oh Ji Ho and Choi Sooyoung end up having to spend some time together under the same roof and she walks in on him shirtless. The crew on set were amazed by how Oh Ji Ho managed to keep in shape and stay fit despite his busy schedule. Sooyoung also seemed embarrassed at points and was able to act out her embarrassment from behind the curtains very well. 

Oh Ji Ho, a handsome eastern medicine doctor, will reveal his body on the Thursday episode of "The 3rd Hospital," and viewers can look forward to Sooyoung's cute reactions.

In the rest of the episode, Kim Min Jung will face some troubles at a patient's funeral, and another one of her patients, who underwent brain surgery, will leave the hospital unauthorized. She hears harsh words from Kim Seung Woo who tells her she should quit, sprains her ankle, and even gets slapped but she lasts through it and meets Oh Ji Ho for the first time on the roof.

The 3rd Hospital
Oh Ji Ho

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