'Deadpool' Movie Release Date Confirmed; Will Deadpool Appear In 'X Men: Apocalypse?' Ryan Reynolds Releases Statement!

The official "Deadpool" movie release date has been announced by Marvel Studios and the date is set to yield high in the box-office.

Coming out on Feb. 12, 2016, the film is set to feature Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool himself and Morena Baccarin. The official synopsis for the movie has yet to be released, but is rumored by fans to focus on the beginning stages on the life of Deadpool. They say that it will show how the main protagonist became Deadpool and how his journey through it made him a great superhero.

In relation to other films under the Marvel franchise, Deadpool is rumored to be making a cameo in the upcoming "X-Men: Apocalypse," set to be released on May 27, 2016. Reportedly, his character will be shown in the end credits. 

Because of the fact that the "Deadpool" movie release date comes before the rumored appearance in "X-Men: Apocalypse," fans are convinced that his cameo in the said film will tell which path his character will be taking after the events of his standalone film.

Another charcter having a standalone film is also rumored to be doing a cameo during "X-Men's" end credits. Reports say that Wolverine will be showing up and will be seen entering another group related to the whole Marvel Universe, called the X-Force.

Lead character, Ryan Reynolds, recently expressed his excitement over the upcoming "Deadpool" movie.

"It's been a long time, but it's happened in the right way and that's all that matters," said the 38-year-old, during an interview with MTV. "We don't have the kind of money that most superhero movies do, but that's great, actually. Necessity is the mother of invention, and that's why we get to make the movie we want to make."

In relation to the storyline and how the upcoming film is set to pan out, the recent Dad said that he is not nervous about how the movie will do at the box-office.

"You gotta have faith in the people you're working with, and have faith in the prep, and that's all I'm doing," he added. "On this one, the prep's been 11 years. You'd like to think you're putting your best foot forward, but we'll see."

While the "Deadpool" Movie release date has been officially confirmed, news about the film's plot and storyline is still currently developing.

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