Kim Kardashian Blond: Kanye West’s Wife Intentionally Dyed Hair To Steal Spotlight From Kendall Jenner Who’s Modeling In Paris Fashion Week?

Following the debut of Kim Kardashian's blond hairstyle at the Paris Fashion Week, her siblings are allegedly displeased. For them, it was an attempt to steal the spotlight from Kendall Jenner, who was modeling for several events in the PFW.

"The whole family, aside from [matriarch] Kris [Jenner], of course, thinks that Kim's intentions with going blonde [while abroad] are purely selfish," an insider told Radar Online

She is supposed to be in Paris supporting Kendall, and the fact that she dyed her hair and did this drastic overhaul to one-up her younger sister is quite pathetic." 

According to the publication's insider, Kourtney, Khloe, Kylie and Rob feel that they are merely guests in the show of Kanye West's wife.

"[She] will go to any lengths to make sure that it is always the Kim show, guest-starring her sisters," the insider said.

Kim Kardashian's blond hairstyle issue isn't the first time that the family members allegedly felt that North's mama wanted to be the sole star of the show.

When Bruce Jenner decided to talk about his plans for changing himself, baby North's mother immediately expressed support for her stepfather.

"I think everyone goes through things in life, and I think that story and what Bruce is going through, I think he'll share whenever the time is right," said Kardashian in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

Her siblings, however, allegedly thought that it was a mere publicity stunt.

"She says that she was trying to help the family, but everyone knows that she is only out for herself. It is always the Kim show and they are just guests," said another source to Radar Online.

"Unfortunately, the more Kim talks the more famous she gets," added the insider to the publication. "She has pulled this kind of stunt before and has lost friends and lovers. But she honestly does not care."

Do you think Kim Kardashian's blond hairstyle attempted to make headlines just in time for Kendall Jenner's modeling shows?

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