New Dennis Quaid Meltdown Video Leaked; Shows The Actor Screaming And Cursing At People On Set!

Dennis Quaid goes on a tirade in a viral video that has been making the rounds in the internet. In the video, the actor cursed at people on the set where he was acting.

The grainy video showed the actor yelling, "What the f----?" before going on to scream at the "unprofessionalism" of the crew he was working with because someone was whispering and walking around the set, distracting the 61-year old actor.

The Dennis Quaid video showed that he is in what appears to be an office, with a desk and a bookshelf in the background.

The 44-second clip also showed Quaid insulting the cast and crew, calling them "garbage," "zombies," and other profanities. The video then quickly shifts to a view of the floor.

While others believe the authenticity of this video, others think that this is perhaps a comedy sketch or a talk show segment. After all, plenty of viral videos have turned out to be scripted or filmed for the purpose of getting people to believe that they are watching a leak.

People magazine quoted Reddit users who say that this may be part of a new Jimmy Kimmel sketch. "It feels scripted to me, but so does every viral video since [Jimmy] Kimmel started doing his schtick. It's really messing with my mind," the user posted.

Other people are not quite so sure that the video is staged. "There's no way this is [for "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"], too much anger and profanity," a Youtube viewer commented. "The fact that a crew member, cast member or extra is filming this on a ... cell phone only adds credibility to his claim."

According to fans, the Dennis Quaid meltdown video is reminiscent of another actor's on-set meltdown. It will be recalled that an audio recording of Christian Bale going all bonkers on set because someone distracted him made the rounds online a few years back.

Dennis Quaid Video
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