Apple iOS 8.3 Jailbreak Update: Release Date Download May Be On Its Way [RUMORS]

New reports are suggesting that some developers have already gotten code to jailbreak the Apple Watch, which points to a possible upcoming release date for the iOS 8.3 jailbreak.  

Despite delays, the release date for the Apple iOS 8.3 jailbreak update is expected to be released alongside the upcoming iOS 8.4 version.

Mobile developer Stefen Esser has been able to access the 8.4 jailbreak update, but has only released a "proof of concept" video.

Watch his preview here.

Apple has released a fix for the iOS 8.3 update that addresses security vulnerability issues, making jailbreaks ineffectual, GottaBeMobile reports.

Although a jailbreak release date for the update has not been announced, many are saying it should be well on its way.

The Apple iOS 8.3 jailbreak update for the iPhone is rumored to include new emojis and other features.

The update was rumored to have a release date after March 27, following the 2015 Mobile Security Summit in Beijing. However, developers have not made any major announcements pertaining to jailbreaks.

Jailbreak developer MuscleNerd warned other users about the iOS 8.2 jailbreak upon its own release date: "Jailbreakers stay away from today's 8.2 update for now, or you will get burned," he wrote on Twitter.

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