‘Homefront: The Revolution’ Release Date Pushed Until Next Year! Open-World Game Expected On The Game

After getting numerous delays from the game creators, release date of "Homefront: The Revolution" is looking to be set for next year, as Deep Silver is preparing the title to be a "game-changer" in the years to come.

In a recent report by Movie Pilot, game designer Fasahat Salim revealed that they and Deep Silver have one thing in mind that would bring the game to an open-world experience

"When we acquired the IP, all of a sudden we had the freedom to take this game wherever we wanted," Salim said in an interview. "We thought, what better way to do that than just go open-world with it."

In line with that, he added how the release date of "Homefront: The Revolution" could give a different twist for the game that could give the game the most realistic experience possible.

"It's an emerging open world, but everything is happening in that space whether you are there or not," he said. "So, the things that actually unravel on the streets, whether that happens with civilians or with the KPA, all of that stuff is going to happen whether you are there or not. So if you're in the middle of a mission and all of a sudden you find yourself in a heated skirmish between the resistance and the KPA, that's just ... happening. You can join that if you want to, or you can use that to your advantage."

Furthermore, with regard to its numerous release date delays, PC Gamer reported that Deep Silver CEO Dr. Klemens Kundratitz cleared up that the studio is in full swing giving in more updates and improvements for the gamers to enjoy.

"Dambuster Studios are an extraordinarily talented group," Kundratitz said. "We are giving the team every opportunity to turn 'Homefront: The Revolution' into a best-selling title, and have set a 2016 release date to provide them the time they need to achieve this. You can expect to hear more about the game later this year."

Although the release date isn't completely locked in, "Homefront: The Revolution" is expected to hit shelves late 2016.

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