NMIXX Lily Treated As Outcast? Idol Draws Attention After Not Receiving Gifts During Fanmeeting

In a video, NMIXX Lily broke internet users' and fans' hearts after seeing her sad expression while looking at her co-members enjoying gifts from NSWERs aside from her.

NMIXX Lily Draws Attention for Downcast Appearance After Not Receiving Fan Gift

On July 28, NMIXX Lily became a hot topic in online forums and social media platforms after her recent video from a fanmeeting spread among K-pop fans and netizens.

In particular, the video which was taken on July 13 featured the six members wrapping up their fan signing event organized by withmuu. NMIXX were then seen posing cutely for their fan sites as they show off cute headbands and caps that they received from NSWERs (fandom).

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(Photo : NMIXX (Kpop Wiki))

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However, among the members, Lily especially stood out for her rather downcast and sad expression, as it could be seen that she didn't receive similar gifts and can't show anything along with the members.

Instead, Lily looked down and would visibly force a smile whenever other NMIXX members would say something.

Despite this, the other members would continue giving their ending comments while showing off their gifts, Lily was then seen awkwardly standing to the side while hearing their interaction with fans.

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NMIXX Lily Treated As Outcast? Idol Draws Attention After Not Receiving Gifts During Fanmeeting
(Photo : NMIXX (Nate Pann))
NMIXX Lily Treated As Outcast? Idol Draws Attention After Not Receiving Gifts During Fanmeeting
(Photo : NMIXX (Nate Pann))

When the video was shared on various online platforms, fans and netters had divided opinions regarding the scene.

Initially, there are fans who ask people to refrain from making assumptions from the video only, as there could be potentially other reasons why Lily is looking down in the video, such as feeling sick.

However, most internet users who watched the video felt the tense yet heartbreaking scenario. As a result, there are some who criticized the other NMIXX members, who didn't try to comfort Lily, nor try harder to include her during their interaction with fans.

  • "I think members who got more than two should have given Lily at least one (of the headbands)."
  • "Anyone can tell that Lily is like an outcast."
  • "Can't the members take care of her? They really are giving her no f*cks."
NMIXX Lily Treated As Outcast? Idol Draws Attention After Not Receiving Gifts During Fanmeeting
(Photo : NMIXX (Nate Pann))

On the flip side, some K-netizens pointed out that the group wasn't at fault, but the fans who treated NMIXX members unfairly

They emphasized that they treated Lily like an outcast for not giving her a single gift, even a headband. Due to the scene, even non-fans claimed that they would send her gifts if given the chance to see her.

  • "NMIXX fans always take pride in how good they sing, but instead of leaving comments, shouldn't you guys take care of your main vocals? You guys always brag about Lily's live performance on YouTube or in the community, but you treat her like that?"
  • "I watched the video, but she can't control her expression because of that reality slap. How much does she want to leave during the fan signing event? How could she hold it in until it was over? I'm afraid of the next fan signing event will be just as bad."
  • "Is it because she's a foreign member? No matter how much you have a favorite, if I were you, I would still give her a headband... Meanwhile, Haewon's hairband is piled up next to her."

What are your thoughts on this?

READ MORE: NMIXX Lily Draws Attention For Recent Hairstyle Change—Here’s What People Think

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Written by Eunice Dawson.

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