BTS Rejected Park Myung-soo a Decade Ago? Unbelievable Revelation Shakes K-Pop World

Comedian Park Myung-soo recently revisited a memorable encounter with global sensation BTS from nine years ago during a segment on his 'Park Myung-soo's Radio Show.' The conversation unveiled a quirky and candid side of the comedian, leaving fans and listeners amused and intrigued.

On the episode aired on KBS Cool FM on the 24th, broadcaster Kim Tae-jin joined Park Myung-soo for a mobile quiz show segment.

A Hilarious Urination Incident 

The quiz question that stirred up quite a buzz was, "Park Myung-soo, I met this idol in the bathroom 9 years ago and said, 'I would have done better back then,' but who is the idol you regret not being able to treat better?"

Park Myung-soo, upon hearing the question, shared the unexpected yet hilarious story. He recounted how he found himself in the bathroom, only to be met with BTS members, who recognized him as they were all urinating.

The revelation not only brought a laugh but also provided a glimpse into the comedian's playful and humorous personality. When asked about his friend Jindo's recollection of that time, Park Myung-soo admitted that Jindo claimed he was ignored by him. 

"I didn't do it, but I was urinating when he said, 'This is Park Myung-soo,' 

"This is Bangtan." I said, 'Okay, go. You can't do this in the bathroom.' I took a picture. I should have done better at that time."

However, he humorously deflected the blame, saying it was not intentional ignorance but rather a result of his bedwetting and urination issues, further lightening the mood with laughter.

In an unexpected twist, he admitted that he even discussed urine stains on air and apologized, showcasing his unfiltered and unapologetic charm.

The radio show also touched upon other topics, including Kim Tae-jin revealing the record of marathon runner Bong-ju Lee at the 2000 Tokyo International Marathon, which remains unbroken.

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The 'Park Myung-soo's Radio Show' continues to be a source of delightful anecdotes, revealing more about the comedian's life and encounters with the biggest names in the entertainment industry.

Netizens' comments:

  • "Oh, so Park Myung-soo is blaming his enuresis for BTS ignoring him? That's quite a stretch!"
  • "Seriously? Blaming something that happened 9 years ago on enuresis? Sounds like he's just looking for excuses."
  • "Enuresis or not, it's not fair to put the blame on BTS for not acknowledging him. They've come a long way since then."
  • "Park Myung-soo needs to stop dwelling on the past and move on. It's not healthy to hold onto grudges for so long."
  • "I'm sorry, but enuresis doesn't justify any regrets or shortcomings in this situation. Let's focus on more important matters."

This recent episode gave fans a fresh and amusing perspective on Park Myung-soo's humorous personality and the untold story of his bathroom meeting with BTS.

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Cassidy Jones wrote this. 

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